Install Magento 2 in Ubuntu
Magento! A CMS build using PHP at backend. Why this is so popular? Cause it an eCommerce what you find in all top 5 CMS eCommerce list. It is really good for user & seller but this is not good for developer to develop (personal opinion). I had lots of issues to install it and developing its module. Today I am going to share how anyone can install Magento in Ubuntu.
Pre-Installing Steps
- Search “magento” in google
2. From Result go to “Tech Resource” and click download
3. There are two types of magento, with sample data & without sample data. Download whatever you like.
4. Select the format you want to download, in my case I downloaded zip.
5. Need login to download. If you don’t have account, create one
6. After downloading, exact the folder in computer / var / www / html / <project name>
Installing steps
Now in browser type localhost to access the folder
Click in the <project name>
There are 6 steps to complete the install. They are —
Step 1
Click Start Readiness Check
If all are complete then click next.
Step 2
A database is needed for this
Create a mysql database name of your desire
Give the details of server host, server username, server password, database name & table prefix (only optional)
If all done, then click next to continue
Step 3
Setup your store address or what you wanna be the index page. Setup Magento Admin address for browsing admin
If all done, then click next to continue
Step 4
Set a time zone first, Set a currency & Finally set default language for the shop
If all done, then click next to see what’s next
Step 5
Need to create a admin account to access admin dashboard
If all done, then click next & please write down the admin password somewhere because you need to use alphanumeric for creating password.
Step 6
Now wait to complete, sometimes it’s gonna take a long time. For me it takes around 5 mins.
You will see a success page if all are okay.
Admin Panel
Now you can access admin panel using localhost / <project_name> / <admin_url>
After login you will see a message about indexers. Don’t warry. I’ve a solution for it. You just need to run “sudo php bin/magento indexer:reindex”
Now refresh. You’ll find another error msg, Magento is asking for cache management problem. Click on the cache management and Select all cache.
Select Refresh in dropdown and Click submit to refresh the cache.
Now another step left to run . We need to Flush Magento Cache. Just click Flush Magento Cache it will flush all cache for us.
Home Page
Now we can go to see the homepage using “localhost/<project_name>”
sudo php bin/magento indexer:reindex
Cache Management Cache Clean
sudo php bin/magento c:c
Cache Flush
sudo php bin/magento c:f
Some Screenshots
This is how you can install a magento in your ubuntu machine. I’ve downloaded magento 2.1 for this tutorial. Magento Documentation is good but it is not that easy to pick. Magento is a bit slow if you don’t know how to code properly. If any problem, comment out anytime I’ll try to help.