Random Password Generator — Learn Modern React JS By Projects For FREE In 2022

Muhammad Ali
9 min readFeb 25, 2022

Learning React js changed my life completely. I got many freelancing opportunities and my current remote job because I was skilled in React. I want to help others, so I’m creating this tutorial series to make some react projects for beginners to intermediate levels. It’ll be focused on the Modern React js and how you’ll write it in 2022. I’ll come back and keep updating this tutorial if anything else changes. Also, I’ll try to publish a new project/blog every upcoming week(from now), so follow nerdjfpb for that. Let’s dive into our very first blog –

What we are going to build

This blog is the first tutorial of all series so we will build a random password generator here. Let’s see how we can do it with react. We’ll add some twists here and there!



Muhammad Ali

An otaku who loves computer. Love to write and help others through my work. Have a look on my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/nerd_jfpb/