I am starting a new mini series on JavaScript. I’m starting it from zero. Anyone can start learning from here. My goal is helping others while learning! I know about JavaScript and I’m working on a MERN tech stack. But I think it is not a bad idea to revise the JavaScript from scratch and helping others in this time. If you have any questions, shoot on the comment session or you can directly ask me in my social media. Social media links are in the last part of today’s lesson! Let’s learn JavaScript together.
Style Change in DOM— JavaScript Series — Part 25
A full series to learn the JavaScript from zero
Today we are going to change the style of different elements in the dom using some new technique that we didn’t learned yet.
We are going you use the last day codes.
We’ll start by selecting the h1 and then we’ll apply some style with it. See when we use document.querySelector(“h1”).style
Now change the background of h1. Using document.querySelector("h1").style.background = "red"
See result –
Now lets try to add a class in h1 tag. Let’s write some styles in style.css
Using document.querySelector("h1").className = "special-heading"
we can change right
What are you going to do after this? You have superpower now your hand to change anything in Dom!
Let’s learn something amazing in next one!
Other posts of this series can be found here — https://blog.nerdjfpb.com/tag/javascript/
Originally it published on nerdjfpb blog. Check the git for codes.